What to do with your lame paintings....

Make cards or gift tags out of your lame paintings...

Robert Genn suggests burning your paintings that miss the mark... but I have another idea.

You can vent your frustrations by taking scissors or a craft knife to the paintings and then re-purposing them....

Gift tags

Make up some gift tags by cutting out some simple shapes and glue or tape them together. (I used double stick tape) The "To: and From:" can be written on the flip side with a sharpie marker.

christmas card

...or make some cards by cutting out ornament shapes and hanging them on a tree branch drawn with colored pencils. (The "bad painting" ornaments can be cut out of canvas as well as paper.)

You can make the card by quarter folding a piece of printer paper. The envelopes are "invitation" size and can be purchased at any office supply store.

So instead of a bonfire...(though that sounds sort of good on this snowy, chilly day)

...snip snip snip... glue glue glue and spread some holiday cheer.